The Italian Association of Physiotherapists for the Study and Development of the Mezieres Method is the main point of reference in Italy for those who wish to delve deeper into this methodology thanks to:
This gives us the authority to award ECM training credits independently, guaranteeing an accredited and recognized learning path at national and European level.
The AIFiMM training in the Mezieres Method respects the principles of evidence-based medicine (EBM), guaranteeing a scientifically valid and measurable therapeutic practice.
Join us for a high quality journey into the Mezieres Method. The training offered by AIFiMM is recognized at national and European level, guaranteeing a solid base of knowledge and skills.
Become part of our community and advance in your professional career with confidence and authority!
...when I returned from Paris I found myself in my hands with a very powerful therapeutic tool, it worked but the reasons were not completely clear to me. Mezieres was a genius with a strong personality and spoke mainly in aphorisms and metaphors, without giving too many explanations about the path that had led her there. However, it was clear that there was a lot of substance behind it with foundations rooted in physics and mathematics. As I am, that path was important, I succeed better as a therapist if all the steps are clear to me.
At that point I involved two friends, a physicist and an engineer. Together we analyzed every single statement by Mezieres and... everything he said was supported by physical-mathematical laws!
Thus began my work on studying biomechanics to give "order" to the mass of information. Work that has materialized in teaching, in which, mindful of my difficulties, I try to explain the method according to a logical thread, and in the book that I have published and which is provided to the courses as a reference text for the theoretical part.
I have dedicated my entire professional life to the method, to its study, to its dissemination, trying above all to make it overcome that aura of "magic" and empiricism that characterized it in the past and to place it among the scientific-based techniques of culture western.
If I can give myself credit, this was my greatest contribution to the growth of the Mezieres method, the rationalization of the contents and its scientific support. In addition to this, he has introduced, in clinics and teaching, new concepts and new therapeutic methods on problems that were little known in Mezieres' time. For this I owe a lot to important meetings and collaborations including those with Dr. Manni, Dr. Silvestrini, Dr. Chiri.”
Mauro Lastrico
“In my professional life I have been lucky enough to meet excellent teachers. My deepest gratitude goes to them for what they taught me and for making me passionate about this job. When I learned that I had been welcomed by Francoise Mezieres to participate in one of her training courses, for me it was the realization of a dream. In those years I worked in a hospital and taking care of patients with motor, respiratory and cardiac problems was a source of great satisfaction.
However, I was increasingly intrigued by the news arriving, with all the difficulties of the time, from France, regarding a revolutionary therapeutic method created by Francoise Mezieres. I found it very intriguing and for this reason I came into contact with some of Mme Mezieres' former students and attended their training courses, read everything that could be read at the time, took part in the rare educational events and finally managed to get to France. , in the presence of a brilliant personality who contributed significantly to opening my mind.
There I met Mauro Lastrico for the first time and it was surprising, after many years, to discover that we had undertaken parallel professional paths: he in Genoa, I in Rome had made the Mezieres Method our exclusive working tool. Using it intensely and appreciating its undeniable effectiveness, I realized how fundamental proprioceptive body communication was during its practical application. In fact, to help the patient orient himself in the complexity of the therapeutic path and lead him to achieving his objectives, words, touches, mental images and bodily sensations become indispensable tools that one must know how to handle. For me they are so much so that I can't help but torment the poor students even with these collateral elements..... Having been involved by the AIFiMM in the dissemination of the Mezieres Method, being able to count on orthodox contents rationalized scientifically and on adequate teaching at the time, for me it is an exciting challenge: it makes me proud to be able to give my contribution to the dissemination of a precious heritage of intuitions and knowledge.”
Laura Manni
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